Financial Statements

Financial Statements
The consolidated financial statements for the year 2020 are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union. The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of Brims hf. and its subsidiaries.
Operation for the year 2021
The operating revenue of Brim hf. in 2021 amounted to €387,9 million, compared to €292,4 million the previous year. Operating income before depreciation (EBITDA) was €93,2 million or 24,0% of operating revenue, compared to €57,4 million or 19,6% the previous year. Financial expenses were €3,6 million, compared to €6,8 million the previous year. The effect of affiliates was positive by €0.8 million, which is the same as the previous year. Profit before income tax was €94.7 million, compared to €36.4 million the previous year. Income tax charged amounted to €19.5 million, compared to €7.5 million the previous year. Profit for the year was therefore €75.2 million, compared to €29.4 million the year before.
The average number of man-years in 2021 was 762 but was 769 in 2020. Wages and wage-related expenses amounted to a total of €78.5 million, compared to €66.9 million the previous year (ISK 10.3 billion at the average exchange rate for the year, compared to ISK 11.8 billion the previous year).læ
Income statement 2021
2021 | 2020 | |
Sales | 387,931 | 292,438 |
Cost of sales | (293,482) | (233,023) |
Gross profit | 94,449 | 59,415 |
Other income | 20,891 | 0 |
Export expenses | (8,017) | (7,071) |
Other expenses | (9,806) | (9,975) |
Profit from operation | 97,517 | 42,369 |
Finance income | 3,962 | 1,967 |
Finance expenses | (7,575) | (7,611) |
Net foreign exchange difference | (20) | (1,135) |
Net finance expenses | (3,633) | (6,779) |
Share of profit of associated companies | 805 | 819 |
Profit before income tax | 94,689 | 36,409 |
Income tax | (19,487) | (7,516) |
Profit from ongoing operations | 75,202 | 28,893 |
Discontinued operations | 0 | 472 |
Profiit for the year | 75,202 | 29,365 |
EBITDA | 93,200 | 57,401 |
Earnings per share | ||
Basic and diluted earnings per share (ISK) | 0.039 | 0.015 |
All numbers are in thousands of Euro. Brim Financial Statements 2021
Overview of the overall performance of the year 2021
2021 | 2020 | |
Net earnings for the year | 75,202 | 29,365 |
Other comprehensive income: | ||
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss: | ||
Translation difference | 747 | (2,699) |
Hedges for long-term liabilities | 521 | 89 |
Total comprehensive income for the year | 76,470 | 26,755 |
All numbers are in thousands of Euro. Brim Financial Statements 2021
Financial statements
Financial Position
The Group's total assets amounted to €795.9 million at the end of 2021. Whereof, fixed assets amounted to €627.5 million and current assets to €168.4 million. At the end of the year, the Group's total liabilities amounted to €397.5 million and equity amounted to €398.4 million. The equity ratio was 50.0% but was 44.1% at the end of 2020.
Balance sheet 2021
2021 | 2020 | ||
Assets | |||
Operating assets | 181,496 | 188,475 | |
Intangible assets | 323,730 | 329,689 | |
Investments in equity-accounted investees | 45,437 | 36,322 | |
Long-term receivables from related parties | 75.347 | 91.883 | |
Other investments, change | 1,536 | 1,493 | |
Total non-current assets | 627,546 | 647,862 | |
Inventories | 50,313 | 56,898 | |
Trade and other receivables | 28,270 | 28,059 | |
Receivables from related parties | 12,888 | 10,573 | |
Cash and cash equivalents | 76.889 | 21.596 | |
Total current assets | 168,360 | 117,126 | |
Total assets | 795,906 | 764,988 | |
Equity | |||
Share capital | 20,052 | 20,052 | |
Statutory reserve and share premium | 59,431 | 59,431 | |
Translation reserve | 865 | 118 | |
Other restricted earnings | 62,032 | 49,019 | |
Retained earnings | 256,026 | 208,850 | |
Total equity | 398,406 | 337,470 | |
Liabilities | |||
Loans and borrowings | 258,568 | 256,469 | |
Deferred tax liability | 76,165 | 69,383 | |
Total non-current liabilities | 334,733 | 325,852 | |
Loans and borrowings | 26,117 | 63,715 | |
Trade and other payables | 21,540 | 21,373 | |
Payables to related parties | 2,775 | 5,973 | |
Current tax liabilities | 12,335 | 10,605 | |
Total current liabilities | 62,767 | 101,666 | |
Liabilities | 397,500 | 427,518 | |
Total equity and liabilities | 795,906 | 764,988 |
All numbers are in thousands of Euro. Brim Financial Statements 2021
Financial statement
Cash flow
Net cash from operating activities amounted to €82.5 million in 2020, compared to €43.1 million the year before. Investments amounted to €24.5 million. Financing activities were negativ by €51.8 million. Net cash from operating activities therefore decreased by €55.3 million and was €76.9 million at the end of the year.
2021 | 2020 | ||
Operating activities | |||
Profit from operation | 97,517 | 43,369 | |
Ajustments for: | |||
Depreciation and amortisation | 16,574 | 15,046 | |
Profit from sale of intangible assets | (17,813) | 0 | |
Profit from sale of operational assets | (3,078) | (14) | |
93,200 | 57,401 | ||
Changes in current assets | 3,984 | (11,499) | |
Changes in current liabilities | (1,582) | 11,572 | |
Changes in current assets and liabilities | 2,402 | 73 | |
Interest received | 3,954 | 951 | |
Interest paid | (7,528) | (7,610) | |
Paid taxes | (9,490) | (7,666) | |
Net cash from operating activities | 82,538 | 43,149 | |
Cash flows used in investing activities | |||
Acquisition of operating assets | (3,749) | (23,963) | |
Acquisition of operating assets under construction | 0 | (12,401) | |
Proceeds from sale of operating assets | 5,328 | 1,840 | |
Proceeds from sale of intangible assets | 22,462 | 0 | |
Investment in intangible assets | (61) | 0 | |
Investment in subsidiaries less received cash | 0 | (17,286) | |
Sale of subsidiaries less cash | 0 | 138 | |
Long-term receivables from related parties | 0 | (29,763) | |
Proceeds from long-term receivables | 705 | 304 | |
Other investments, change | (151) | (1,917) | |
Net cash (used in) from investing activities | 24,534 | (83,048) | |
Cash flows from financing activities | |||
Dividends paid | (15,534) | (11,921) | |
Proceeds from current loans and borrowings | (36,460) | 37,035 | |
Proceeds from non-current loans | 36,473 | 5,375 | |
Repayment of non-current loans and borrowings | (36,258) | (22,491) | |
Net cash (used in) from financing activities | (51,779) | 7,998 | |
Changes in cash and cash equivalents | 55,293 | (31,901) | |
Cash and cash equivalents at year-end | 76,889 | 21,596 | |
All numbers are in thousands of Euro. Brim Financial Statements 2021
Financial statement
Main results converted to ISK
If the results of the income statement are converted to Icelandic krónur at the average exchange rate for the year 2021 (EUR 1 = ISK 150.19), revenue will be ISK 58.3 billion, EBITDA ISK 14.0 billion and profit ISK 11.3 billion. If the results of the balance sheet are converted to Icelandic krónur at the closing exchange rate of the year 2021 (EUR 1 = ISK 147.6), assets will total ISK 117.5 billion, liabilities ISK 58.7 billion and equity ISK 58.8 billion.
Statistics 2017-2021
Tax footprint
Tax footprint of Brim and Icelandic subsidiaries
Value creation from the Group's operations in 2021 amounted to ISK 42.7 million. The amount was distributed to the community in a variety of ways, such as through wage payments to employees, payments of wage-related charges, purchases of supplies from suppliers, the payment of other public charges, etc.
The tax burden of the consolidated group in 2021 amounted to ISK 5.2 million, or 12.2% of its value creation. Approximately 42% of the amount is statutory dues relating to employees and 20% is income tax.
In addition to the taxes, recognised by the companies as an expense, the companies collected and paid taxes and dues not considered charges but which related, nevertheless, to their operation and the direct value they create. Such taxes collected amounted to ISK 3.9 million in 2021.
The Group's tax footprint in 2021 amounted to a total of ISK 9.1 million.
Tax footprint (ISK million)
2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | |
Collected taxes | 2,624 | 2,879 | 3,967 | 4,376 | 5,242 |
Income tax | 129 | 31 | 1,065 | 1,503 | 1,780 |
Fishing quota fee | 756 | 1,068 | 734 | 454 | 903 |
Payroll taxes | 551 | 551 | 659 | 650 | 670 |
Pension funds and unions | 740 | 786 | 987 | 1137 | 1,234 |
Carbon tax | 128 | 206 | 226 | 257 | 271 |
Catch dues and port fees | 184 | 134 | 170 | 225 | 236 |
Taxes on assets | 136 | 103 | 126 | 150 | 148 |
Collected taxes | 2,686 | 2,699 | 3,439 | 3,571 | 3,858 |
Employee tax burden | 2,686 | 2,699 | 3,439 | 3,571 | 3,858 |
Brim’s total tax footprint | 5,310 | 5,578 | 7,406 | 7,947 | 9,100 |